

Come as you are evening - When you received a call or received an email in your inbox, this is what you had to wear to WI.

PJ Gang: Donna, Alex, Shona, Michelle (kneeling) and Jude our National President who was visiting.

The Workers: Jude (National President), Jan, Adiee, Marilyn, Kathryn, Glenis, Heather, Oriel, & Grace.

Catering for the Super Masters Games - October 2024

Celebrating our WI birthday along with the 90th birthday of Verna Gardner.

A truly wonderful and loyal WI member and friend to us all.

Sad farewell to Liz Vreugdenhil - off to Oamaru.

Romahapa big spud dig.

Winner: Kathryn Wilson

Spud in the Bucket Competition:

How is your spud growing? Kaysen, Briar and Lexi looking after their entries well.


Biscuits for members' grandchildren and the Food Bank (2023)

Christmas Tree Decorations for the Christmas Tree Extravaganza (2023)

About 170 biscuits made and iced for the Christmas Tree Extravaganza (2023)

1st place Romahapa A & P Show Bay: Scotland (2023)